By: jennifer wunder, Living Sport hamburg ‘19 Alumna & Director of Promotions and Fan Engagement at the Gateway Grizzlies
Growing up, I always found excitement and adventure in travel. Watching the world on TV or reading
about it, is never the same as actually experiencing it. Along with traveling, I have always felt a united community in a sports arena, making many of my travels around sporting events or sport experiences. It took me little to no time in school to realize I wanted to work for the National Hockey League. I knew I wanted to be part of a Promotions and/or Event Management department. When I found Living Sport, I saw an exciting opportunity to develop and experience my two favorite things; travel and managing sport events.
I use to think that working in the Big Four was the only way to make a career in the sports industry. Yes, I knew there were the minor leagues, and I even interned for an independent league one summer. Those are fun, and it sparked my passion in sports. Nothing is like the Big Four where all the teams have massive fan loyalty with excitement and energy for their team. During my time in Hamburg, Germany with Living Sport, it hit me that I was keeping myself in such a small, sports industry box back home. There are so many more opportunities to get involved in sports outside of the Big Four, even in my own hometown.
While in Hamburg, we toured different sports stadiums and I learned about the unique sports culture behind each team. The Hamburg Towers really stood out to me. The Hamburg Towers, now a professional basketball team, started as a simple youth basketball program.
Hamburg Towers of the Basketball Bundesliga
It is amazing that this club grew from an after school basketball program with a dream, to selling out a large sports arena, topping it off with a huge championship win. The impact this organization has made on the Hamburg community sounds like a movie. I was touched by this franchise and thought about all the work that went on behind the scenes to make such a dream come true. I put it in the back of my mind and continued to soak up Hamburg and all the experiences Living Sport had to offer.
Photo taken after our presentation by a member of the Towers staff
During one of our workshops, my Living Sport mentor mentioned a list of different ways to stay in the sports world outside of the Big Four. I was honestly mind-blown by the different areas I could get involved in, especially because I realized many of these exist in some way in my local community right now. As soon as I got home from Hamburg, I was searching my area for opportunities in a new light.
Throughout our week in Hamburg, Living Sport offers workshop sessions with sport professionals
I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and Living Sport has justified this belief. I kept my eyes open for any possible opportunities and continued to take chances. I have realized the worse thing I can hear is “no” and “no’s” are just going to send me in a different direction. That different direction is not necessarily the wrong way, in fact it’s just the right one for me.
The position for the Director of Promotions and Fan Engagement was available at the Gateway Grizzlies baseball team just a bit outside of my town. I had admired the Gateway Grizzlies organization since my sophomore year of college. I filled out the application on TeamWork Online and a few days later followed up with the front office. We scheduled a phone interview and followed by two in-person interviews. The interviews felt natural, and I felt like they were just chats amongst professional friends.
After the second in-person interview, the GM shook my hand with an offer and a start date. I
was over the moon with this opportunity, but also so proud of myself for stepping out of my comfort zone to take that chance and reach out to the organization. If my career were a puzzle, I wouldn’t want to force a piece to fit if it doesn’t fit well. Sometimes from a distance it looks like it may work, but it may not always be the best fit! I knew it would be worth it to find the right piece.
My official Gateway Grizzlies staff photo!
I still dream to someday work in the Big Four, but I am so happy to be where I am in my local sports community in the present time. With this position I am letting my creative ideas run free, I am doing projects I enjoy, and I am in an environment that supports me and my dreams. I get to be hands on with my projects and see them come to life. Here I can grow into the professional I seek to be.
I am so excited to get this 2020 season started in Sauget, Illinois! I wouldn’t be where I am today without the confidence and education I received from my experience with Living Sport. I AM LIVING SPORT!