Take the Risk. Live the Adventure.

By: Hayden Weaver, Living Sport Glasgow 2019 Alumni

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From a young age I was blessed with the opportunity to travel frequently but I never realized just how lucky this made me. My travel adventures as a child instilled a passion for learning new cultures, trying new things and exploring unknown places. I would see pictures of places and either cut them out of magazines or pin a memory in the back of my head to later come back to. It was only a matter of time before those memories became a reality. I knew that this is exactly what I wanted to do with my life just for the simple freedom and joy you can obtain from traveling, and knew I was destined for it later in life. 

My Living Sport adventure all started when I applied for the International Sport Business Program in Scotland. I never thought I actually had a chance of being selected for the position because it sounded too good to be true; it was a 10 day work trip overseas in Scotland. Sounds like a great time, right? 

Well, my decision to go got more complicated after telling my parents about the opportunity. Usually, they are some of the most free-living and go with the flow type of individuals you’ll ever meet. The "follow your dreams" type you could say -- if it’s what makes you happy, then go do it! I told them about how I applied and later received a phone interview which ultimately led to me getting put on the team to allow me to achieve the ability to go work the Tough Mudder overseas, but neither showed the enthusiasm I had for this chance to travel. At the time I kept saying it’s an experience I’ll need to later achieve my dream. Now you hear me say that because every company you apply for just wants experience loaded on top of more experience. But in my opinion experience doesn’t just happen, you have to actually earn it. 

Before this, I got lucky out of college and was able to land a job working for a professional sports team, but I quickly learned what actual work was. I was so excited when I was able to land this as my first actual work experience let alone with a professional team, only to learn it was not at all what I wanted it to be. It’s not always the glamour of what you hope it is but in fact ten times more challenging. I was doing a job that I felt limited in and didn’t push me to my full potential and I just felt stuck. But my mindset at the time was that it’s the foot in the door that I need, especially since the sport industry is already so hard to get work in -- let alone excel in. When the season finished and I learned a new boss would be taking over so I decided this is my chance to pursue other options, which just so happened to be perfect timing for this opportunity to join Living Sport overseas.

Despite the fact that my dad didn’t feel that spending money for a short-term work experience was the best thing to do, I decided to go. Once he saw how much it meant to me and that it was something I genuinely wanted to do, he did end up supporting my decision.

Now that I had said yes to going on this journey, it hit me that I had no idea what to expect, besides the fact I would be traveling to Scotland to work with 22 other individuals that shared the same desire as me; working in sports. 

Never had I felt so out of my comfort zone, for the simple fact that I was lost in what to do. I had just stopped working for a professional sports team to now be in a different country working with new people. It was reassuring to know my travel companions were all trying to achieve a goal just like me so there was nothing to be scared of; we were all in the same boat. Once I got past my nerves and just focused on being myself and to learn from others, it was smooth sailing.

The trip exceeded all expectations I had ever imagined. The amount of connections and friendships I had developed and built were beyond my belief, not to mention the amount of knowledge we all had within sports. From the trip’s start, it was an immediate connection where we were brought together by our experiences and knowledge in the set fields our previous experience was in. 

This trip also allowed me the opportunity to meet the international Tough Mudder staff, and within an hour I knew I made the right decision by taking this opportunity. I made an instant connection with the staff and I can easily say they felt the same way. The amount of information and knowledge I learned from program mentors and co-workers was overwhelming and exhilarating. 

I had always had a dream of moving overseas at some point in my life, with Barcelona being my main destination. To obtain more information on how to make this happen was one of my main goals of my Living Sport trip to Scotland.

Low and behold I was introduced to my newfound buddy Pete on the first day of setup for the event. We were told that we are here to work but also to go out and get to know the people we’re working with as they are international sport business professionals that could provide insight about the industry. I was introduced to Pete during our lunch break and it turned out to be a godsend. We got to know one another very well and he told me how he lives in Barcelona for six months out of the year. I then shared with him my dream of moving there. 

Not even being on site for a full day yet and I was able to make a connection to help make my decision to follow my dream and move abroad much easier. Not only was I able to meet Pete but also Corrina (aka Coco). Pete and his crew were part of the whole setup process while Coco was in charge of the event day staff. By meeting Coco and getting to know her well, I was invited to travel to England to work with the Tough Mudder London South team to assist in running in the event.  

You can call it luck or you can say it’s faith, either way it’s still amazing what you can accomplish if you truly just take a risk. I use to be the one to question myself and not take risks because I didn't want to mess anything up or disappoint anyone. Living Sport changed my life by helping me understand that it’s okay to ask for help and advice. 

I told all the mentors on the trip that I wanted to move to Barcelona in the upcoming months but didn’t know how to. They all worked to make me feel comfortable in the situation and to make new connections. 

Chasity Brown, program mentor, sent me LinkedIn jobs in Barcelona and even introduced me to meet Kieran, whose Scottish company works with multiple professional soccer teams. 

Anthony Marquez, program mentor, initially made the introduction to Coco, in efforts to try to work other events after I move overseas.

Alicia Marinelli, program founder, did what Alicia does best and connected me with others outside of Tough Mudder. 

I was able to make more connections and find more opportunities than I could’ve ever imagine were possible just by simply asking for help. These were all the opportunities I came across in just a few days into the trip, but the opportunities didn’t stop after I left Scotland.

Living Sport invited me to work an event in the states for an additional work experience with Long Tail Creative, who facilitates the Reading Radsport Festival. This experience allotted me even more international connections and provided the opportunity to meet and network with other Living Sport alumni.

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A friend of mine, Timothy Kerr (Living Sport Alum, Glasgow ’19 & Athens ‘19) was once quoted saying “If you’re given the opportunity, even if it’s an unpaid internship, you take it. You never know where it could lead to, let alone the experiences and lessons you learn just by accepting it.” 

That quote has stuck with me for the simple fact that if I would’ve never taken the risk to travel with Living Sport and assist the Tough Mudder staff, I wouldn’t be where I’m at today nor have even half the connections and experiences. I am currently living out my dreams and exploring the streets of Barcelona, but I’ve only just begun my journey. 

I can't imagine where I would be if I hadn't taken a chance on the opportunity of a lifetime, so thank you Living Sport!